Markham Main Colliery Band is a famous Colliery Band with a rich heritage and strong link with the Community in Armthorpe; we are looking forward to celebrating our Centenary year in 2024! The Band supports the local community at various functions, including the annual Miners’ Memorial service. Performing regularly at Concerts across the Yorkshire Area, we are proud to represent the Armthorpe community!

With the closure of the pits, the main source of funding disappeared many years ago and the Band is now totally dependent upon revenue from Concerts, Local Performances and other fundraising efforts. Since Music is no longer a core subject in schools, many grass roots Bands now struggle with the lack of players, and children have very limited opportunities to learn a musical instrument.

Sadly, in these difficult times, due to lack of funding opportunities and falling numbers, a number of Brass Bands have folded losing over a hundred years of tradition, pride and the opportunity to provide a welcome source of entertainment for the public.

Every brass band has been through difficult times, and we at Markham Main are no different. Following the many challenges we have faced, with the dedication of our MD; volunteer management committee; our players and our patrons; we are proud that Markham Main Colliery Band continues to grow from strength to strength! However, this cannot be sustained by the goodwill of a few individuals. Music needs to be bought; instruments repaired or replaced; and uniforms, stands and banners are expensive; so any help is very much welcomed!

In 2022, we launched our successful Patronage Scheme to help fund some of the above costs incurred by a Brass Band. For an annual donation of £30 per year, you can become an integral part of the band by becoming a friend and supporter. You will become a named Patron of the band and receive the satisfaction that your band will have a secure future, continuing to serve the Community of which it is so proud.

In return for your kind donation, you will benefit from:

  • 2 free tickets to one of our concerts each year
  • Priority booking for our Concerts
  • Band updates on concerts, events, news and engagement lists so you can follow the band and feel part of the team

As a Patron and friend of the band, this is an exciting opportunity to become an associate member, actively supporting the continued public service only a local Brass Band can; helping to secure our future.

If you are interested in becoming one of our patrons please email [email protected] for more information


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